Tips for Beginners
- Talk to every non player character you can find. Most of them have useful advice and quests.
- You can enter several of the buildings in Hope, where there are local craftsmen hocking their wares.
- Try to combine items in your inventory. Drag a tiny piece of fur on to another tiny piece to make a small piece.
- Explore the Rimsin Penninsula until about level 20. Keep an eye on the world map, or you may stray too far south and get eaten by lions.
- When night falls, the landscape gets very dark. You won’t be able to see monsters, but they’ll still be able to attack you. Equip a candle, torch or lantern to light your way.
- Some creatures attack in packs. If you hit a wolf, all of his buddies will come over to get revenge.
- Sometimes creatures will attack you first. If you get too close to a zombie, it will stagger after you.